21.05.2003 N 11/2-14-7777-ЕП
Начальникам регіональних
Начальникам митниць
Відповідно до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638-ЕП направляємо перелік сертифікатів переміщення EUR.1, які видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцію за період з з 7 по 13 квітня 2003 року.
AB652822 |08/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst |canned fish |58900
AB652824 |09/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst |canned fish |66790
AB652826 |11/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst |canned fish |45550
AB728488 |04/08/2003|Viru kalatццstus |CANNED FISH 4395 places, (sprats |67947
| | |in oil 160gr 3365places ,baltic |
| | |herring in oil160gr, 100 |
| | |places,baltic herring in oil |
| | |250gr, 100 places,friedbaltic |
| | |herring in tomato sause 250gr., |
| | |30 places,baltic sardines in oil |
| | |160gr., 100 places,baltic |
| | |sardines in tomato sause 160gr., |
| | |50places,home-like sprats 160gr.,|
| | |100 places sprats in tomato sause|
| | |160gr., 50places,sprats in |
| | |oil250gr , 300places, sprats in |
| | |tomato sause 250gr., |
| | |50places,sprats in tomato sauce |
| | |100gr, 50places,sprats in oil |
| | |100gr 100places) |
AB 661749|09.04.03 |HAKO Ltd. |SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL |14060
| |ALPHA EUROCOMMERCE |---------------------------------+-------
AB 661750|11.04.03 |HAKO Ltd. |SMOKED SPRATS IN TOMATO SAUCE |5880
| |ALPHA EUROCOMMERCE |---------------------------------+-------
AB713624 |08.04.03 |AS DAGOTAR |canned fish |7500
AB713625 |09.04.03 |AS DAGOTAR |canned fish |47078
AB713626 |11.04.03 |AS DAGOTAR |canned fish |13500
AB751115 |07.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Crab sticks |19989
AB751114 |07.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Crab sticks |19989
AB789276 |08.04.03 |Irbeni |Spicy baltic sprats |56000
AB751124 |10.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Fish fingers |20518
AB751121 |10.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Crab sticks |20237
AB751120 |10.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Crab sticks |20108
AB759585 |11.04.03 |Koskel |Spicy salted baltic sprats |20500
AB751134 |11.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Fish fingers |20478
AB751128 |11.04.03 |Paljassaare kalatццstus|Fish fingers |19956
AB755997 |11.04.03 |Subland |Frozen cooked cold water shell-on|20000
| | |shrimp |
AB720816 |07.04.03 |AS Pomes Feeds |fishmeal |60000
AB723149 |10.04.03 |AS Raitar |salted Baltic sprats |19900
AB723150 |11.04.03 |AS Raitar |salted Baltic sprats |20100
AB723619 |09.04.03 |Maseko LTD |Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/,|65550
| | |Atlantic sardines in |
| | |oil/blanched/, Atl.sardines in |
| | |tomato sauce blan., smoked Baltic|
| | |herring in oil, smoked sprats in |
| | |oil, Atl.mackerel in own juice |
| | |oil added, Atl.mackerel in |
| | |tom.sauce blanched |
AB723624 |11.04.03 |Maseko LTD |mackerel in oil blanched, |24725,5
| | |mackerel in tomato sauce blanced,|
| | |mackerel in own juice with oil |
| | |added, fishchops in tomato sauce,|
| | |smoked sprats paste, fishballs in|
| | |tomato sauce |
AB723623 |11.04.03 |Maseko LTD |herring in oil blanched, smoked |42918,5
| | |herring in oil, herring in |
| | |ownjuice with added, Atlantic |
| | |sardines in oil /slices/, |
| | |sardines in oil blanched, |
| | |sardines in tomato sauce |
| | |blanched, sardines in own juice |
| | |with oil added, sprats in tomato |
| | |sauce, Baltic herring in oil |
| | |blanched, smoked Baltic herring |
| | |in oil, fried Baltic herring in |
| | |tom.sauce, sardinella in tomato |
| | |sauce blanched, sardinella in oil|
| | |blanched, sardinella in own juice|
| | |with oil added, peitus sparlings |
| | |in tomato sauce, smoked sprats in|
| | |oil |
Перший заступник Голови Служби О.Б.Єгоров WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",