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Документ підготовлено в системі iplex

Про перелік сертифікатів про походження товарів форми EUR.1

Державна митна служба України  | Лист від 27.03.2002 № 21/21-996-ЕП
  • Видавник: Державна митна служба України
  • Тип: Лист
  • Дата: 27.03.2002
  • Номер: 21/21-996-ЕП
  • Статус: Документ діє
  • Посилання скопійовано
  • Видавник: Державна митна служба України
  • Тип: Лист
  • Дата: 27.03.2002
  • Номер: 21/21-996-ЕП
  • Статус: Документ діє
Документ підготовлено в системі iplex
N 21/21-996-ЕП від 27.03.2002
Начальникам регіональних митниць
Начальникам митниць
( У зв'язку з технічною помилкою додатково див. Лист Державної митної служби N 14/14-3169-ЕП від 19.09.2002 )
Направляємо перелік сертифікатів про походження товарів форми EUR.1 (до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638), які видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцію за період з 18 по 24 березня 2002 року.
AB 646118 18/03/2002 OЬ VRHL frozen baltic sprats 20600
AB 646187 18/03/2002 AS Lддtsa Kalatццst canned fish 5715
AB 646188 19/03/2002 AS Lддtsa Kalatццst canned fish 15540
AB 646213 19/03/2002 OЬ VRHL frozen baltic sprats 60000
AB 646214 21/03/2002 OЬ VRHL frozen baltic sprats 60000
AB 646215 21/03/2002 OЬ VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 646218 22/03/2002 OЬ VRHL salted baltic sprats 19800
AB 646189 22/03/2002 AS Lддtsa Kalatццst canned fish 19993
AB 646132 22/03/2002 OЬ VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 629227 22.03.02 HAKO LTD. SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 7700
AB 629225 20.03.02 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 67760
AB 629228 22.03.02 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 15400
AB 664189 18.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 14250
AB 664104 18.03.02 AS Dagomar frozen sprat 14500
AB 664190 19.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 17295
AB 664191 19.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 67250
AB 664186 21.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 52000
AB 664193 21.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 55000
AB 579393 18.03.02 AS PERMARE frozen cooked cold water shrimp 5100
AB 648664 22/03/2002 Viru kalatццstus CANNED FISH 2632 places (sprats in oil 160gr. 67965
2469 places, baltic herringin oil 160gr.
1places, baltic herring in oil 250gr.1places,
fried baltig herring in tomato sause 250gr.,
1places,sprats paste160gr 4places,baltic
sardines inoil 160gr 1places, sprats in oil
100gr. 50 places, sprats in oil 250 gr. 4
places. home-like sprats 160 gr. 1 places,
baltic sardines in oil 100 gr. 100 places)
AB 648662 19/03/2002 Viru Kalatццstuse OЬ Canned fish 4300 places (sprats in oil 100 gr 66610
200 places , sprats in oil 160 gr. 2955
places, sprats in tomato sauce 160 gr. 60
places, sprats in oil 250 gr. 360 places,
home-like sprats 160 gr. 120 places, baltic
herring inoil 250 gr. 200 places, baltic
herring in oil 160 gr.130 places, baltic
sardines in tomato sauce 160 gr. 10 places,
baltic sardines in oil 160 gr. 20
places,sprats paste 160 gr. 150 places, fried
baltic herring in tomato sauce 250 gr. 10
places, baltic sardines in oil 100 gr 50
places, baltic sardines in tomato sauce 100
gr 10 places, fish rissoles in tomato sauce
250 gr. 25 places)
AB 688863 18.03.02 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 64240
AB 688862 18.03.02 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 59600
AB 679669 18.03.02 Maksima oil Frozen baltic sprats 60000
AB 678575 18.03.02 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 679322 18.03.02 Watkins Salted sprats in spices 60000
AB 690000 18.03.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 60000
AB 671397 18.03.02 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 60000
AB 680959 19.03.02 makrill Crab sticks 19381
AB 648412 19.03.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 688864 19.03.02 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 64240
AB 711601 19.03.02 Krapesk Spicy baltic sprats 60000
AB 678351 19.03.02 Meriland Salted sprattus 20500
AB 678577 20.03.02 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 505466 20.03.02 Koskel Frozen sprats 20500
AB 680960 20.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19044
AB 680361 20.03.02 Gramus Spicy slated baltic sprats 19400
AB 711302 20.03,.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20500
AB 689155 20.03.02 Reperte Spice salted sprats 60000
AB 711603 21.03.02 Krapesk Spicy baltic sprats 60000
AB 689156 21.03.02 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20000
AB 712135 21.03.02 Paljassaare Fish fingers 2052
AB 680962 22.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19248
AB 675001 22.03.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20600
AB 675002 22.03.02 Koskel Spice salted baltic sprats 19800
AB 711605 22.03.02 Krapesk Spicy baltic sprats 60000
AB 711604 22.03.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 19500
AB 689158 22.03.02 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20000
AB 680362 22.03.02 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 19900
AB 680364 22.03.02 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 579289 18.03.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 579290 18.03.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 579301 18.03.02 oь Werder Fish salted Baltic sprats 60000
AB 578735 18.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 579291 18.03.02 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 55000
AB 579426 18.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned baltic sprats 20800
AB 590239 18.03.02 AS Pomes Feeds fishmeal 60000
AB 665177 18.03.02 LTD Maseko smoked sprats in oil 64240
AB 665178 18.03.02 LTD Maseko smoked sprats in oil 59600
AB 665181 20.03.02 LTD Maseko Alantic sardines in oil, sardines in oil 34994
blanched, herring in oil blanced, Baltic
herring in oil blanched, mackerel in own
juice with oil added
LTD Maseko mackerel in oil blanched, smoked sprats in
oil, smoked sprats paste
AB 665180 20.03.02 LTD Maseko mackerel in own juice with oil added, 4482
mackerel in tomato sauce blanched, mackerel
in oil blanched
AB 665179 20.03.02 LTD Maseko herring in own juice with oil added, herring 62722
in oil blanced, smoked herring in oil
LTD Maseko sardines in own juice with oil added,
Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/, sardines in
tomato sauce blanched, sardines in oil
blanched, sardinella in own juice with oil
added, sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
LTD Maseko sardinella in oil blanched, Baltic herring in
oil blanched, fried Baltic herring in tomato
sauce, smoked Baltic herring in oil, smoked
sprats in oil, sprats in tomato sauce,
fishchops in tomato sauce, fishballs in
tomato sauce, smoked sprats paste
AB 579424 20.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 60000
AB 590245 20.03.02 AS Pomes Feeds fishmeal 60000
AB 579224 20.03.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 579425 21.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20900
AB 695288 21.03.02 AS Nicone salted Baltic sprats 20000
AB 695211 22.03.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 695213 22.03.02 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 19500
AB 695212 22.03.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 695316 22.03.02 Werder Fish salted Baltic sprats 60000
AB 579463 22.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 60000
AB 579462 22.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20600
AB 579457 22.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 19500
AB 579458 22.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 579460 22.03.02 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB 665184 22.03.02 LTD Maseko sardines in oil blanched, Atlantic sardines 49724
in oil/slices/, sardinesin own juice with oil
added, sardines in oil blanched, sardines in
tomato sauce blanched, sardinella in oil
blanched, sardinella in own juice with oil
added, sardinella in oil blanched, sardinella
in tomato sauce blanched, Baltic herring in
oil blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil,
fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce, sardinella
in own juice with oil added, smoked sprats
AB 665185 22.03.02 LTD Maseko mackerel in oil blanched, mackerel in own 14983
juice with oil added, mackerel in tomato
sauce blanched, herring in own juice with oil
added, smoked herring in oil, herring in oil
blanched, herring in tomato sauce blanched
AB 665183 22.03.02 LTD Maseko smoked sprats in oil
( Технічну помилку виправлено згідно з Листом Державної митноїслужби N 14/14-3169-ЕП від 19.09.2002 )
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